Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Easter!

We got our potatoes, green beans, onions, and peas planted right before we got the rainy, blustery weather we've been having this last weekend. It is continuing into this week. All the rain we get should be really good on what we got planted. I also got all the fencing taken down around our chicken house. Hope to put up new fencing as soon as the weather gets better. Sarah finished building our goose and duck house. She did a really good job! 
Our alpaca boys are doing great! We will be shearing them soon. I contacted the shearer last week, to get put on the calendar. 

Sarah has also been busy needle felting little bunnies and lambs for Easter! They are so cute! She has had several orders to fill. Everyone falls in Love with them when they see them. 
We were so happy last month when Sarah won at the Fiber Arts Competition at the MOPACA Alpaca Invitational Show in Kansas City! She won 2nd place for her needle felted Snowman & Penguin, and 1st place for her button heart pin w/needle felted back!! We are so proud of her! 

Next, we are planning to attend MOPACA's Fiber "U" event in Lebanon, MO. July 9-10th.
There should be a lot to learn there. In the mean time we will be dying and carding fiber, and needle felting more little creations! 

We still haven't gotten our store set up yet, so if anyone is interested in any of these little creations, just email us at mysky@ctcis.net and let us know what you think of them by posting a comment on our blog or going to our Facebook page.

I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter! 

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